SAERTEX LEO is a composite system that fulfills the high fire protection requirements in the marine industry, the construction sector and in the production of rail vehicles. In contrast with conventional fire protection systems, LEO does not have a negative influence on the mechanical properties.

// Our partnership with
Scott Bader offers you complete composite fire protection systems.
Crestafire LEO system combines the expertise of SAERTEX and Scott Bader to provide you with an outstanding solution for fire protection in composite materials. Our perfectly matched materials not only ensure excellent fire and weather resistance, but also global availability and comprehensive technical support in the development and manufacture of your component production, according to your specific requirements.
Depending upon the customer-specific requirements and intended application of the components, the LEO system uses different core materials, an optimized NCF layer (glass, carbon, aramid or hybrid) and special LEO infusion resins. A LEO protection layer is always the final component. The individual components are matched depending upon the intended application and client-specific requirements.
Benefits of SAERTEX LEO
- Fire protection according to EN 45545-2
LEO meets international fire protection standards, is IMO FTP and EN 45545-2 tested and conforms to DIN SPEC 91326. The composite system provides reproducible fire retardancy that is uniform across the entire component thanks to a low-viscosity, unfilled matrix, an intumescent protection layer and fire-retardant multiaxial non-crimp fabrics. This provides a uniform degree of fire protection across the entire surface of the component – for reproducible results. LEO is suitable for both monolithic and sandwich structures.
You can find a complete list of the flammability tests it has passed here.
You can find further information on the DIN SPEC 91326 for designers of rail vehicles here.
- Lightweight material with excellent mechanical properties
LEO is a lightweight material with excellent mechanical properties. Compared to conventionally produced components, LEO has convincing rigidity, tensile strength and bending characteristics that are many times better – despite its low weight and reduced material thickness. Cost-effectiveness is also a strong argument for LEO.
You can find material comparison tables here.
- Weather resistance
LEO is characterized by outstanding weather resistance and meets the Cataplasm test according to NF EN 13523-27. The special composition minimizes the effects of the weather on the paint surface. Even with thin paint layer the surfaces remain flawless over long periods of time, thus reducing maintenance and repair costs.
- High economic efficiency
LEO offers maximum efficiency thanks to the lowest possible material input, a labor-cost-efficient manufacturing process (standardized infusion technology) and the production of components without time-consuming intermediate curing of individual layers. LEO is suitable for modern infusion technologies such as vacuum infusion. LEO can also be processed at normal room temperature. The entire techno-commercial cooperation is handled through a "single point of contact" with SAERTEX as your competent contact during all phases of the project.
You can find further information on vacuum infusion – infusion technology with SAERTEX LEO here.
- Toxicological safety
LEO is free of halogens and toxicologically safe. No special protective clothing is required for processing. In the event of a fire, no toxic substances are released and smoke generation is minimal (57 x less smoke generation than with PES GFRP).
You can find a graph that shows the average smoke release rate according to ISO 5660 (m2/m2) here.
- Global availability
Our partnership with SCOTT BADER provides combined performance for applications with the highest fire protection requirements. The materials of the LEO SYSTEM are perfectly matched to one another. You benefit from high-quality consulting and fast availability. Both companies are active worldwide.